For the Language Proficiency Exam we use a modern and user friendly test which is accredited under Approval number DK.LAB.017 in all EASA countries and many more. ATC-Communication tested in the meantime over 4500 pilots with very good results. For ATC personnel we have the ATCO version of the LPE.
The test is fully online and can be done any time. You need a computer with internet + a webcam and a microphone (built in most of the laptops).
Before starting the test you must upload a scan of your passport for identification and during the test you get an aviation related interview and you have to answer pre-recorded questions.
During the test the candidate must show that he is able to communicate in English in an Aviation Environment. The price of the test is €174,-
How does it work:
1. You will be presented with three on screen pictures randomly selected from our database, all showing aviation themes. Use as many words as possible to describe what you see.
2. Answer the questions generated by the online interface. You will be asked a number of different questions by the “virtual interviewer”. You choose when the question shall start playing, and then you must start recording your answer. It is important that you answer with long sentences and NOT only “Yes” or “No” or very short sentences. Remember, it is your language skills that will be evaluated and not the content of what you say.
3. Perform a simulated ATC communication with read back on the basis of the scenario created in the online module of the test. That will enable us to assess your English language skills. Your answers will be recorded and later assessed by an Authorized Language Assessor.
4. Schedule and perform a live online video interview. The language assessor will ask a series of questions related to the briefing package and to your role in aviation. You will not be asked any complicated technical questions and you will not be tested in knowledge. Duration of the live interview will be approximately 15 minutes.
You will receive information about how to connect to the interview during the booking process. A stable internet connection that supports video calls is required. The video interview can be performed from either a mobile device with a forward-facing camera or a computer/laptop with a webcam.
Mail or call if you have questions.
Ready to do the LPE?